TU Graz
Die Technische Universität Graz betreibt Lehre und Forschung im Bereich der Ingenieurwissenschaften und technischen Naturwissenschaften, an der Fakultät für Informatik wird IKT-Sicherheit gelehrt.
Studienangebot IKT-Sicherheit
IKT-Sicherheit wird in den Bachelor- und Masterstudien Informatik und Telematik behandelt.
Im Masterstudium Mathematische Computerwissenschaften wird ein Schwerpunkt zu Kryptographie und deren mathematischen Grundlagen angeboten.
Die Lehrveranstaltungen werden vom Institut für angewandte Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnologie (IAIK) angeboten. Nachdem die Vorlesungen durchwegs in Englisch abgehalten werden, werden hier auch Titel und Zusammenfassung in Englisch gegeben:
- Introduction to Information Security (Bachelor): This course offers an introduction to information security. We have a look at basic terms found in cryptography, electronic signatures, e-commerce, network security, implementation security, operating-systems security, and privacy. We study how these topics fit together.
- IT Security (Master): The course is concerned with various forms of applications of cryptography in security protocols, the problem of key management and distribution, the problem of how to implement cryptography in a secure way and how the well known public key algorithms are implemented in practice. We investigate how to attack a hardware implementation of a crypto algorithm (e.g. on a Smartcard) and we also have a look at various examples of real life scenarios, where an improper use of cryptography lead to security breaks (electronic voting, car security, ...).
- Advanced Computer Networks (Master): This course is a seminar-style class which focuses on security aspects of mobile devices. We study the security mechanisms of smartphones and show how to employ them to protect sensitive information. Based on that, we analyze mobile applications regarding security-critical deficiencies, examine platform and application vulnerabilities and discuss how they can be exploited by attackers.
- Applied Cryptography (Master): In this course, we discuss a variety of topics from the area of cryptography. We will cover topics from classical cryptography, symmetric encryption, hash functions, asymmetric encryption, digital signatures, as well as protocols for identification, key-exchange, and zero-knowledge proofs. In the weekly exercises, you get to try your own hands at cryptanalysis.
- Applied Cryptography II (Master): In this follow-up course to Applied Cryptography, we will delve into more specialized topics. This includes advanced design and analysis methods for block ciphers and hash functions, like differential, linear and algebraic cryptanalysis, as well as more of the underlying mathematics, algorithms and hard problems. Some of the topics will be presented by you in the seminar-style talks.
- Modern Public Key Cryptography (Master): Modern Public Key Cryptography is a collaborative, seminar-style class, where we study current research methodologies and topics in public key cryptography. At the beginning of the semester there will be lectures on (theoretical) background. Later, there will be a collaborative study of scientific literature on more advanced topics.
- Embedded Security (Master): This course provides an overview of attack techniques and countermeasures for embedded devices. The discussed attacks include cache attacks and other current software attack techniques. It also includes attacks that exploit physical properties of a device, such as the timing or the power consumption that is caused by the executed software. The course also discusses state-of-the-art countermeasures against all these attacks.
- Security and Privacy in the Cloud (Master): This course examines several aspects of data security in a networked environment. The advent of powerful smart phones containing privacy sensitive information paired with a tendency to work and store data in the Cloud aggravates the question of data security and privacy protection in the Internet. In this course we discuss a set of technologies to better protect, manage and control sensitive data, with a special focus on privacy sensitive data.
- Security Aspects in Software Development (Master): This course focuses on different topics related to security-aware software development. The topics range from common security threats arising from programming errors to best-practice countermeasure techniques. The course also includes the discussion and application of common cryptographic techniques and design methodologies which allow efficient countermeasures.
Technische Universität Graz Institut für angewandte Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnologie
Inffeldgasse 16a
8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (316) 873 5514
Fax: +43 (316) 873 5520
E-Mail: office@iaik.tugraz.at
Homepage: www.iaik.tugraz.at
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: A-SIT Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie – Austria